Student Alumni Beat Collateral

In adherence to the Nebraska Alumni’s brand guidelines, I created three shirts for the Michigan, Fordham, and Iowa football games. I placed emphasis on a hand-drawn style to not only communicate the sense of energy felt on a game day but to contrast existing Husker apparel as well.

Inspiration varied throughout the shirts but overall emphasized recognizable imagery of both teams. In the Michigan and Fordham shirts, I took inspiration from retro cartoon and mascot imagery to suggest a sense of play. For Iowa, I looked to imagery shared among both Midwest teams, and originated the design from the Husker fan phrase “Iowa has Bad Corn“.

Along with the illustrated designs, I created social media animations for each football game. Within these buttons, each particle acts as individual fans coming together to cheer on the Huskers.

Fordham (1).gif

BEAT Animation example

These animations are displayed on the Nebraska Alumni’s social media pages before each football game. A few other teams I created animations for included Ohio State, Michigan, Indiana, and Purdue.


Up to This Moment


Socrates Zine